On the occasion of Chianti Classico Collection 2022 at Stazione Leopolda in Florence on March 21 and 22, Caparsa will present a preview of the following wines:

Chianti Classico Riserva 2019 "Caparsino": Press tasting and company table

Chianti Classico Riserva 2019 "Doccio a Matteo": Press tasting and winery table

Chianti Classico Riserva 2019 "Caparsa": Winery table tasting

All info and how to register and access by clicking here.

An AIS Sommellier will be happy to welcome you at the winery table: unfortunately we will not be able to be present in person.

Social: Facebook (@chianticlassico.it), Twitter (@chianticlassico), Instagram (@chianticlassico).

Event on facebook platform https://fb.me/e/4MNeOqSPF

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